There are some dogs, cats and rabbits in a pet farm. The number of dogs is

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total number of cats and rabbits. The ratio of the number of cats to the number of
rabbits is 8: 7. There are 30 more dogs than rabbits. How many animals are there in
the farm?​

There are some dogs, cats and rabbits in a pet farm. The number of dogs is

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

kucing + kelinci = asu

perbandingan kucing dan kelinci adalah

8 : 7 (selisih satu)

There are 30 more dogs than rabbits. berarti selisih satu = 30 hewan

berapa total hewan di peternakan?

8 × 30 = 240 Kucing

7 × 30 = 210 Kelinci

Jumlah asu sama dgn total jumlah kucing dan kelinci

240 + 210 = 450 asu


240 + 210 + 450 = 900 Hewan

semoga membantu 😉

jika masi bingung tanya ya