There once lived a beautiful Javanese princess named Roro longgrang She was sad because her

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father, Prahu Nak, was defeated and killed by Bandung Bondowoso who wanted to marry her. She re-
all didn't want to marry him, so she made a condition that she would marry him he could build one
thousand temples in one night as a wedding gif Bandung agreed with this condition
Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples, being helped by the spirits of demons. Rore
Jonggrang was in a pane because the work was nearly done. So, she woke all the women in the palace
up and ordered them to make noisy sounds of grinding nice that made roosters think that the dawn had
already broken
Knowing that Roro Jonggrang had deceived him, he became angry and cursed her suddenly, the
princes tumed to a statue. Bandung Bondowoso then regretted this and he decided to go way to a far
1: What is the text written for?

tolong kak cuma satu nih.​

There once lived a beautiful Javanese princess named Roro longgrang She was sad because her


To tell readers about Roro Jonggrang