Tiara : Are you ready to (1) …?

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Aldi : I don't (2)… I'm ready.
hara. Why? You and your group will perform after the (3) from class 9_b
i am so nervous
Tiara : That's normal but you have to …(4) -.it
I can't i am (5)… if my band will give a bad performance
dont be. You and your band have practiced for couples of months for this students
Aldi I know but I am so nervous.
Tiara Believe in yourself that you can do it. Let's take a deep breath and (7)
Aldi Thanks. Tiara, 1 (8)… I can perform well with my band.
Tiara Just (9) …okay?
Aldi Okay. I'm trying to (10) …
Tiara Good luck.
Aldi Thanks a lot

a. Control
b. event
c. performance
d. perform
e. think
f. enjoy
g. afraid
h. release
i. relax
j. hope

Tiara : Are you ready to (1) …?

  1. Perform
  2. Think
  3. performance
  4. control
  5. afraid
  6. event
  7. release
  8. hope
  9. relax
  10. enjoy


Tiara: Are you ready to perform?

  • Apakah kamu siap untuk tampil?

Aldi: I don't think I'm ready.

  • Saya rasa saya belum siap.

Tiara: Why? You and your group will perform after the performance from class 9-B.

  • Kenapa? kamu dan kelompokmu akan tampil setelah pertunjukan dari kelas 9-B.

Aldi: I am so nervous.

  • Saya sangat gugup.

Tiara: That's normal but you have to control it.

  • Itu normal tetapi kamu harus mengendalikannya.

Aldi: I can't. I am afraid if my band will give a bad performance.

  • Saya tidak bisa. Saya takut jika band saya akan memberikan kinerja yang buruk.

Tiara: Don't be. You and your band have practiced for couples of months for this event.

  • Jangan begitu. Kamu dan bandmu telah berlatih selama beberapa bulan untuk acara ini.

Aldi: I know but I am so nervous.

  • Saya tahu tapi saya sangat gugup.

Tiara: Believe in yourself that you can do it. Let's take a deep breath and release.

  • Percaya pada diri sendiri bahwa kamu bisa melakukannya. Mari tarik napas dalam-dalam dan lepaskan

Aldi: Thanks, Tiara. I hope I can perform well with my band.

  • Terima kasih, Tiara. Saya harap saya bisa tampil baik dengan band saya.

Tiara: Just relax, okay?

  • Santai saja, oke?

Aldi: Okay. I'm trying to enjoy.

  • Oke. Saya mencoba untuk menikmati.

Tiara: Good luck.

  • Semoga beruntung.

Aldi: Thanks a lot.

  • Terima kasih banyak.

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Complete the dialog: brainly.co.id/tugas/43104283

Detail jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Level: JHS

Kode soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5