Tina : Albert, what is our task? Albert : Well, we must interview some foreigners in Prambanan Temp Tina : Should we interview a certain number of them? Albert : Well, about three or four are enough. Tina : Should we present the result orally or in written? Albert : Orally Tina : Okay, thanks Task 3 Answer the following questions based on the dialogue in task 2! 1. Who are involved in the dialogue? 2. What is Tina asked to Albert? 3. What is their task? 4. Where will they interview the foreigners? Must/ = 50% 5. How many fereigner should be interviewed? an obli 6. How do they interview the foreigners? Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (Peminatan) SMA/MA SRD

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Tina : Albert, what is our task? Albert : Well, we must interview some foreigners in Prambanan Temp Tina : Should we interview a certain number of them? Albert : Well, about three or four are enough. Tina : Should we present the result orally or in written? Albert : Orally Tina : Okay, thanks Task 3 Answer the following questions based on the dialogue in task 2! 1. Who are involved in the dialogue? 2. What is Tina asked to Albert? 3. What is their task? 4. Where will they interview the foreigners? Must/ = 50% 5. How many fereigner should be interviewed? an obli 6. How do they interview the foreigners? Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (Peminatan) SMA/MA SRD


Tina : Albert, apa tugas kita? Albert : Nah, kita harus mewawancarai beberapa orang asing di Prambanan Temp Tina : Haruskah kita mewawancarai beberapa dari mereka? Albert: Yah, sekitar tiga atau empat sudah cukup. Tina : Haruskah kita mempresentasikan hasilnya secara lisan atau tertulis? Albert : Secara lisan Tina : Oke, terima kasih Tugas 3 Jawablah pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan dialog pada tugas 2! 1. Siapa saja yang terlibat dalam dialog tersebut? 2. Apa yang diminta Tina kepada Albert? 3. Apa tugas mereka? 4. Di mana mereka akan mewawancarai orang asing? Harus/ = 50% 5. Berapa banyak orang asing yang harus diwawancarai? an obli 6. Bagaimana mereka mewawancarai orang asing? Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (Peminatan) SMA/MA SRD


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