To : All English Teachers

Posted on

From : Mr. Lee Keenan, English Teachers Coordinator
Date : October 20, 2018
There will be a meeting tomorrow, October 22, 2018, at 1 p.m. in the teachers’ room. We are going to
discuss the students’ achievement and development since the semester examination is getting closer. We
need to discuss the solution for the students who still get less improvement.
Thank you for your attention.
1. What is the text about?

To : All English Teachers

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


The text above is an invitation for a meeting. It could be in a letter to be given to each teacher or to be put on the announcement board. Based on the content, the text is about an announcement for a meeting.


To decide the kind of text you need to see from several stuff, especially these two main elements, which are:

– the format

– the content

– the language

The text above is considered as a formal letter of announcement. It can be seen based on details as explained below.

– The format: There's 'to' and 'from' clearly stated on the top of the letter along with the date. So, it can be an invitation letter or formal announcement or both.

– The content: There's an obvious statement saying that 'there will be a meeting tomorrow in the teachers' room….'. Since it is for all teachers and from the teacher coordinator. It can be concluded that it's an announcement for all teachers to attend the meeting.

– The language: The kind of language used in it is quite straightforward, clear, short, no metaphors or plot like in a narrative or introductory paragraph in an essay or article. It also ends with brief sentence like 'thank you for your attention.'

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

– about announcement :

– example of announcement: 1206461

Detail jawaban:

Kelas: SMP

Bab: 4

Mapel: English

Kode: 8.5.4

Kata kunci: text, announcement