Tolang susun kalimat iniyaa

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Erlin : you're right it is less attractive than that one. anyway. i'ii buy this. thank you
Erlin : i have and i still have two choices . will you help me decide on which one ?
Erlin : i'd like to buy a mobile phone , but i'm a bit confused which one to buy
Erlin : here it is and my choices are on page 18
Erlin : i have. hower there are many choices and i'm not sure which on to buy .
Denias : sure . let me see the tabloid
Denias : well, tehe mobile phones in the tabloid are classifed based on their prices. just look atathe mobile phones which you can afford
Denias : well , i think you should buy this mobile phone. its feature are more complete than that one /
Denias : why don't you buy a tabloid about mobile phone ? you can see the specifications of many kinds of mobile phones and compare them

Tolang susun kalimat iniyaa

Erlin : i'd like to buy a mobile phone , but i'm a bit confused which one to buy
Denias : why don't you buy a tabloid about mobile phone ? you can see
the specifications of many kinds of mobile phones and compare them
Erlin : i have. how [ev]er there are many choices and i'm not sure which on[e] to buy .
Denias : well, the mobile phones in the tabloid are classifed based on
their prices. just look at the mobile phones which you can afford
Erlin : i have and i still have two choices . will you help me decide on which one ?
Denias : sure . let me see the tabloid
Erlin : here it is and my choices are on page 18
Denias : why don't you buy a tabloid about mobile phone ? you can see
the specifications of many kinds of mobile phones and compare them

Erlin : you're right it is less attractive than that one. anyway. i'ii buy this. thank you