Tolong artikan: The student of budi luhur elementary school have physical exercise thus is their favorit subject.they can do football,basketbal,volleyball,or,they are in basketball field.the boys are playing basketball.they are playing seriously.roni is bringing the ball.richard is taking the ball from roni,and throwing the ball to the basket.the girlss are giving applause to richard.they like richard’s action.richard is the most favourite basketball player in their class

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Tolong artikan: The student of budi luhur elementary school have physical exercise thus is their favorit subject.they can do football,basketbal,volleyball,or,they are in basketball field.the boys are playing basketball.they are playing seriously.roni is bringing the ball.richard is taking the ball from roni,and throwing the ball to the basket.the girlss are giving applause to richard.they like richard’s action.richard is the most favourite basketball player in their class


Siswa sekolah dasar budi luhur melakukan latihan fisik, ini pelajaran favorit mereka.

Mereka bisa melakukan sepakbola, bola basket, bola voli, atau bulu tangkis. Sekarang, mereka ada di lapangan basket. Anak-anak sedang bermain basket. Mereka bermain dengan serius.

Roni membawa bola. Richard mengambil bola dari roni, dan melemparkan bola ke keranjang.

Para gadis memberikan tepuk tangan kepada richard. Mereka menyukai aksi richard. Richard

adalah pemain bola basket paling favorit di kelas mereka