Tolong bantu aku dong ini buat bsok☺
Jawaban :
1). The naughty boys were caught by the police yesterday.
2). The flowers are planted by my mom on the yard.
3). Lisa was called by Shella last night.
4). Denada was picked up by her father two hours ago.
5). The books are arranged by the librarian on the racks.
6). The shoes are put by my sister on the shoe racks.
7). The ropes were cut by the students into small pieces one hour ago.
8). The clothes were washed by the maid in the washing machine yesterday.
9). The orchid is sprayed by Tomy on the backyard.
10). A new album was released by Stephanie two weeks ago.
Untuk menentukan bentuk pasif dari kalimat di atas, apakah termasuk present atau past tense maka dapat dilihat dari tanda waktu yang digunakan. Jika kalimat nya tidak dijelaskan secara jelas keterangan waktu nya seperti pada kalimat nomor 2, 5, 6 dan 9 maka termasuk ke dalam passive voice bentuk present tense. Dan untuk nomor lainnya termasuk ke dalam passive bentuk past tense.
Setelah mengetahui tenses yang digunakan, berikut ini adalah rumus passive dari kalimat di atas.
Simple Present
Active : S + V1 (s/es) + O
Passive : S + To be (am/are/is) + V3 + by..
- Gunakan to be am jika subject nya "I".
- Gunakan to be are jika subject nya you/they/we/plural subject.
- Gunakan to be is jika subject nya orang ketiga tunggal seperti she/he/it/etc.
Simple Past
Active : S + V2 + O
Passive : S + To be (was/were) + V3 + by..
- Gunakan to be was jika subject nya I/she/he/it/orang ketiga tunggal lainnya.
- Gunakan to be were jika subject nya you/they/we/plural subject
Dalam mengubah kalimat aktif ke dalam pasif, maka harus perhatikan :
- Subject
- Object
- Tenses
Perlu di ingat bahwa subject di kalimat aktif berubah jadi object di kalimat pasif. Begitu pula sebaliknya. Dan setelah mengetahui jenis tenses nya, maka jangan lupa ubah kata kerja nya menjadi verb-3.
Berikut ini perubahan verb-3 dari kata kerja di atas :
- Catch => Caught => Caught
- Plant => Plant => Planted
- Call => Called => Called
- Pick up => Picked up => Picked up
- Arrange => Arranged => Arranged
- Put => Put => Put
- Cut => Cut => Cut
- Wash => Washed => Washed
- Spray => Sprayed => Sprayed
- Release => Released => Released
- Materi Active & Passive Voice
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Active & Passive Voice
Level : JHS
Kode Soal : 9.5
Kode Kategorisasi : 9.5.11
Kata Kunci : Passive Voice