Tolong bantu buat kalimat respon “accepting” dan “refusing” berdasarkan situasi dibawah ini :

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1. we could have dinner in the restaurant tonight
2. you really should do diet to lose your weight
3. why dont you join the english course to improve your skill?
4. lets buy a pizza for lunch


Tolong bantu buat kalimat respon “accepting” dan “refusing” berdasarkan situasi dibawah ini :

1. (+) Sure, i wanna go there with you!
(-) I think i have another schedule for tonight, sorry.
2 (+) okay, i will follow your suggestion
(-) oh really? i think i'm not fat!
3.(+) I think that's a good idea!
(-) No, I don't like to join every course.
4. (+) yeah, sure! i'm hungry anyway.
(-) no, i'm on diet.