Tolong bantu buat postcard dong :-(

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Intinya aku ngirim surat ke teman trus aku ngajak dya buat jalan" ke telaga bandung bandung karna itu salah satu wisata yg banyak di kunjungi org" lamongan aku ingin mrnunjukan ke dya keindahan tempatnya, trus rencananya aku ngajak kluarga dya piknik ke sana sama" kluargaku aku sma dya kan punya adek yg masih kecil dsana pas banget ada tempat mainnya dan jga enak buat nyantai gtu lah

Tolong banget ya pak buk mas mbk yg cerdas"

Tolong bantu buat postcard dong 🙁

Dear Chamberly
How are you, friend? I hope you’re well. How about your family in Singapore?I really miss them and you also.
I live in Bandung now. Last night, my family planned to go to Telaga Bandung. I plan to invite you and your family to participate in vacation to Telaga Bandung. The tourist spot visited by many people Lamongan because of the beauty of the place. there we can picnic together and invite our brother and sister to play because  there is available a children's playground. We can relax our self together.
I hope you can reply to this letter quickly and receive the invitation.

best wishes