Tolong bantu gessss​

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Tolong bantu gessss​

Tolong bantu gessss​


1. a.  Drank : Drank more water to hydrate my body during diarrhea yesterday

b. Played : When I played back the recording of the interview, I noticed there was a lot of background noise from traffic.

2. a.menghibur

b.sarana/media edukasi

c.menambah daya ingat dalam membaca

d.menambah cakrawala pengetahuan

e.isinya mudah dipahami

f.mendukung otak kanan dan kiri untuk berfikir logis

g.menyenangkan karena yang diceritakan adalah fauna/binatang

h.mendukung siswa agar selalu membaca

3. Hai, my best friend. I was very happy when I first met you. You are so kind to me. I hope you can be my best friend forever.

4. I brushed my teeth before going to sleep.

5. Mom/Dad, I'm going to be late because I'm doing work at my friend's house. So, when I have finished my assignment, please pick me up at my friend's house, okay! Love you Mom/Dad  

Please Say Thanks and make this answer the best answer!! -BocahKentang^^