Tolong bantu jawab

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Get structure/grammar in reading and give one example sentence berdasarkan paragraf di bawah ini

While John Smith was going to school this morning, a car knocked him down. His right leg was broken just below the knee. Some people who saw the accident laid him in a comfortable position on the pavement and tele­phoned for an ambulance. John was badly shocked and in great pain. While the people were waiting for the am­bulance, the driver of the car that knocked John down covered him with a coat and tried to comfort him.
When the ambulance arrived, John was lifted onto a stretcher, put into the ambulance and driven to a hos­pital that was not far away. When he arrived at the ca­sualty department, he was admitted. The nurse who admitted him gave him an injection of morphine to combat the shock and the pain. The doctor who exam­ined him comforted him and told him everything would be all right. While the doctor was examining him, the nurse who had admitted him took his pulse and blood pressure. No antitetanus injection was necessary as John had been immunized against tetanus six months earlier.

As John's wound was lacerated and contused, he was given an antibiotic to prevent the onset of infection. He was then taken to the X-ray department. While the X-ray examination was being carried out, John's parents arrived at the hospital. The doctor who examined John told them that John had sustained a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula. He explained that an operation was necessary and asked Mr Smith to sign a consent for operation form. Mr Smith signed the consent form while Mrs Smith was giving John's personal particulars and previous medical history to the nurse. Before John's parents left the hospi­tal, they were told when they could visit him and were given a list of things that he would need.

Tolong bantu jawab

Simple past dan past continuous.

While John was going to school — past continuous
A car knocked him down — simple past