Tolong bantu jawab pertanyaan ini, saya gak ngerti Ama bahasa Inggris

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1. I wish I … (have) new shoes. I can’t take a walk to the mountain.

2. I hope she …(get) a loan soon. She has to pay her credit card.

3. I wish he …(not drink). The alcohol has ruined his body!

4. I wish you …(to be) at the beach with me last night. It was so much fun!

5. I hope she …(find) the theater tonight with your guidance.

6. I wish the Manager …(explain) things more clearly. I’m confused.

7. I wish I …(know) some people who could show me the way.

8. I wish the children …(to be) happy! It seems that they are boring.

9. I wish I …(visit) the libertly statue I came to New York two years ago.

10. I hope I …(bring) some books when he comes here next month.

11. I hope everything …(go) well for you during your final exam next week.

12. I hope everybody …(pass) this course next month.

13. I wish there …(to be) more books about computers in this bookstore.

14. I hope there …(to be) a lot of good boos on computers at the bookstore.

15. I hope he …(get) better soon. He’s been out sick for two weeks.

16. I wish doctors …(can) cure cancer. It’s such a frightening disease!

17. I wish my grandfather …(drive) me home last night.

18. I hope Margaret …(like) the present that we bought for her.

19. I wish Sam …(has) dinner with that girl now.

20. I wish I … (can speak) Chinese. It’s impossible to go shopping here in Beijing.


Tolong bantu jawab pertanyaan ini, saya gak ngerti Ama bahasa Inggris

1. I wish I had new shoes. I can't take a walk to the mountain

2. I hope she gets a loan soon. She has to pay her credit card

3. I wish he was not drinking. The alcohol has ruined his body!

4. I wish you were at the beach with me last night. It was so much fun!

5. I hope she finds the theater tonight with your guidance

6. I wish the manager explained things more clearly. I'm confused

7. I wish I knew some people who could show me the way.

8. I wish the children are happy! it seems that they are bored

9. I wish I visited the liberty statue I came to New York two years ago

10. I hope I brought some books when he comes here next month.

11. I hope everything went well for you during your final exam next week.

12. I hope everybody passes this course next month.

13. I wish there were more books about computers in this bookstore.

14. I hope there are a lot of good books on computers at the bookstore.

15. I hope he gets better soon. He’s been out sick for two weeks.

16. I wish doctors could cure cancer. It’s such a frightening disease!

17. I wish my grandfather drove me home last night.

18. I hope Margaret liked the present that we bought for her.

19. I wish Sam had dinner with that girl now.

20. I wish I could speak Chinese. It’s impossible to go shopping here in Beijing.