Tolong bantu jawab ya​

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Tolong bantu jawab ya​

Tolong bantu jawab ya​

*Jawaban Task 1:

Wakatobi is the name of an (1) (archipelago) and regency in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The name of wakatobi is derived from the names of the main (2) (islands) in the archipelago: Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomea, and Binangko. Do you know that it is the best (3) (diving) sites ever?

There are many reasons why Wakatobi is called as the best diving sites ever. First, the reefs in Wakatobi diving sites are unlike others in the (4) (region) because of the dry climate and uplifted means that Wakatobi is an limestone. It means that Wakatobi is an (5) (exceptionally) clean environment due to the lack of soil erosion. Second, being a national park, fishing is strictly limited and the reefs of Wakatobi are (6) (protected). These superb reefs are supported and protected by the local fishing communities which obtain a fair share of the income generated by Wakatobi dive tourisme in (7) (exchange) for adopting more sustainable practices, such as leaving large stretches of reef completely untouched. Third, Wakatobi is located at the world's coral (8) (reef) triangle center with its 942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from a total of 850 world's collection (9) (comparing) to the two world's famous diving centers of the Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species and other 300 (10) (species) in the Red Sea.

*Jawaban Task 2:

1. What is the kind of the text?

*Descriptive text.


Apa jenis teks itu? (Teks deskriptif).

2. Mention of generic structure of the text!

*The structure text consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description.


Sebutkan struktur dari teks! (Struktur teks terdiri atas empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi).

3. What is the social function of the text?

*Social function/purpose of descriptive text is to describe particular person, place or thing.


Apa fungsi tujuan dari teks? (Fungsi/tujuan dari descriptive text adalah untuk mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan orang, tempat atau benda tertentu).

4. Can you get some information from the text easily and elearly?

*Yes, I can.


Bisakah kamu mendapatkan beberapa informasi dari teks dengan mudah dan tepat? (Ya, aku bisa).

5. What information do you think is interesting in the text?

*Information about Wakatobi as a tourist spot.


Informasi apa yang menurut Anda menarik dalam teks ini? (Informasi tentang Wakatobi sebagai tempat wisata).

Semoga membantu:-)