Tolong bantu jawab ya ka

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Tolong bantu jawab ya ka

Tolong bantu jawab ya ka


1. We've camping near the ocean.

2. She's goes to Argentina.

3. They've sees the the iceberg.

4. It's snow in the mountains.

5. I've finding a beautiful snake.

6. He's write's a book about mountains.

persent perfect

1. we have camped near the ocean

2. she have gone to Argentina

3. they have seen the iceberg

4. it have snowed in the mountains

5. i have found a beatiful snake

6. he have written a book about mountains

persent perfect

1. kami telah berkemah di dekat laut

2. dia telah pergi ke Argentina

3. mereka telah melihat gunung es

4. itu telah turun salju di pegunungan

5. Saya telah menemukan seekor ular yang cantik

6. dia telah menulis buku tentang gunung

semoga membantu