Tolong bantu jawab yaaa… ​

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Tolong bantu jawab yaaa... ​

Tolong bantu jawab yaaa… ​

Activity 8 : Fill in the blanks with the following words.

  • Got – Had – Left – Arrived – Climbed
  • Went – Spent – Came – Was – Admired

I came for a pleasant picnic on Saturday with some friends from school. We went on the bus to a lovely lake about a hundred kilometers, north of here. We left at seven o'clock in the morning and arrived at the lake at eight thirty. We spent the morning swimming and rowing small boats on the lake. Then, we had lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the lake. After lunch we climbed large hill behind the lake and admired the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus at around four o'clock and then we back to town, It was really an exciting day.

Activity 9 : Answer the following questions based on the text above.


1. What did the writer do on Saturday?

➡ Apa yang penulis lakukan pada hari Sabtu?

  • Jawaban: The writer came for a pleasant picnic on Saturday.
  • Keterangan: Penulis datang untuk piknik yang menyenangkan pada hari Sabtu.

2. Who were with him?

➡ Siapa yang bersamanya?

  • Jawaban: some friends from school
  • Keterangan: yang bersamanya adalah teman-temannya dari sekolah.

3. What did they do on the lake?

➡ Apa yang mereka lakukan di danau?

  • Jawaban: They spent the morning swimming and rowing small boats on the lake.
  • Keterangan: Mereka menghabiskan pagi hari dengan berenang dan mendayung perahu kecil di danau.

4. Where did they have lunch?

➡ Dimana mereka makan siang?

  • Jawaban: They had lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the lake
  • Keterangan: Mereka makan siang di restoran kecil yang menghadap ke danau.

5. What could they see from the hill ?

➡ Apa yang bisa mereka lihat dari bukit?

  • Jawaban: the beautiful view
  • Keterangan: yang bisa mereka lihat dari bukit adalah pemandangan yang indah

6. ".. the beautiful view from the top". What is the synonym of the underlined word ?

➡ ".. pemandangan yang indah dari atas". Apa sinonim dari kata yang digarisbawahi

  • Jawaban: scenery, landscape
  • Keterangan: sinonim adalah persamaan makna, dan view (pemandangan) memiliki makna yang sama dengan "scenery" atau juga "landscape."

7. How long did they spend the time to have picnic?

➡ Berapa lama mereka menghabiskan waktu untuk piknik?

  • Jawaban: they spent about 9 hours to have picnic
  • Keterangan: Mereka berangkat pukul tujuh pagi kembali ke bus sekitar pukul empat. Jadi, mereka menghabiskan waktu untuk piknik sekitar sembilan jam.



Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Kode: 8.5