Tolong bantu kak no 4-6 aja
1. The exam didn't start till 10.30 so he knew he didn't need to get up early.
=> He knew something was unnecessary because the exam didn't start till 10.30=>didn't need to
2. He needn't have gotten there till 10.15, but he got there at 10 so he didn't need to worry about being late.
=>He didn't know something was unnecessary but he did it by getting there early and he knew something was unnecessary by skipping away his worry
3. He took three pens with him. He needn't have taken so many because he only used one.
=> He didn't know something was unnecessary but he did it by taking many pens=>useless=> needn't have taken
4. He knew there wouldn't be any questions on the American Civil War so he didn't need to read the chapter about it in his history book.
=> He knew something was unnecessary=>he didn't do anything=>didn't need to read
5. Just before the exam he read all his notes on the American War of Independence. He needn't have looked at them because there weren't any questions on it.
=>Didn't know something was unnecessary but he did it=> needn't have looked at
6. When he left the examination hall he knew he didn't need to worry about the result because he was certain he'd pass.
=> No doubt=>he knew something was unnecessary=>didn't need to worry
Baik "didn't need to" maupun "needn't have" merupakan penjabaran kondisi di waktu lampau "past." Meskipun terdapat persamaan pembahasan kondisi di waktu lampau, namun ungkapan tersebut memiliki perbedaan struktur yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi kenyataanya.
Penggunaan "didn't need to" untuk penjabaran kondisi dimana si pelaku tahu pasti bahwa hal yang dilakukan tersebut akan sia-sia ataupun tak ada gunanya.
Rumus :
S+didn't need to + verb 1 (base verb ) + Complement
Example :
George didn't need to bring an umbrella because he knew the weather was good.
Analysis :
Dari penjabaran pernyataan diatas, "didn't need to" memberikan penjelasan secara jelas bahwa George tidak membawa payung,dia tahu pasti bahwa payung yang akan dibawanya akan menjadi sia-sia karena cuacanya bagus.
Penggunaan "needn't have" merujuk pada kondisi dimana si pelaku tidak mengetahui betul apa yang akan terjadi dan dia tetap melakukannya serta ini menjadikan apa yang telah dilakukannya menjadi sia-sia belaka. Dalam artian bahwa apa yang telah dilakukan berbanding terbalik dari yang dia harapkan.
Rumus :
S+needn't have + verb 3 + Complement
Example :
Fred needn't have withdrawn money from ATM machine for his birthday party. His friend treated him.
Dari pernyataan diatas, "needn't have " memberikan penjabaran secara jelas bahwa apa yang dilakukan Fred menjadi sia-sia atau diluar harapan dia. Fred menarik uang dari mesin ATM dalam tujuan mentraktir temannya untuk pesta ultahnya tetapi kondisi tersebut berbanding terbalik, dimana, temannya mentraktir Fred.
Detail Answer
Level : Shs (12)
Subject : English
Category : Sentence structure
Code : 5
Categorization : 12.5
Keywords = Didn't need to ; needn't have