Tolong bantu ~~~~Makasih… ​

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Tolong bantu ~~~~Makasih... ​

Tolong bantu ~~~~Makasih… ​


tergantung gurunya mau jawabannya jenis apa atau tipe apa

kalau cara 1 adalah kebalikan dari kalimat.

1. she didn't write a magazine

2. they didn't run fast

3. he didn't go to swimming pool

4. we didn't see her

5. we did't have 5 house


1. she didn't write a novel

2. they didn't run slowly

3. he didn't go to the zoo

4. we didn't see him

5. we didn't have two house

kalau cara kedua hanya dibalik menjadi negatif

no. ll dan lll saya kurang mengerti dan tulisannya kurang jelas mohon maaf



celebrate: merayakan

festival: festival?

new year: tahun baru

costume: kostum

novel: novel?

candle: lilin

knife: pisau

pen :pulpen

present: mempersembahkan


1. a few minutes later

2. i need many employee now

3. i have some shoes

4. ?

5. ?

6. you need a lot of drink

7. its much better

8. she has little water

maaf hanya bisa membantu sedikit, maaf jika salah. semoga membantu