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Beauty and the beast
Once upon a time there was a prince. He was good looking and very rich. He lived in a beautiful castle together with his staff and servants.
One rainy dark night , a woman came to his castle . She was old and ugly. The prince didn't like her and sent her away. After he sent the woman away , she turned into a beautiful fairy. She cast a spell over the prince and his castle . The prince be came a beast . He was no longer good looking . He looked very ugly instead and all his servant turned into furniture.
One day , an old man named maurice was traveling past the castle . It was raining so hard that he decided to enter the castle . When the beast saw him , he captured him.
After some time e, maurice's daughter, belle , began to worry about him.
She started to look for him. Finally , she arrived in the castle and she found her father there. She asked the beast to let her father go but he refused . Belle, then, agreed to stay in the castle so that her father could go home.
While belle was staying at the castle, the beast slowly canged . He was not mean anymore . Belle began to like him and finally they fell in love with each other . Right after she declared her love for him the spell was broken. The beast and his servants became human again. Then, the beast and belle got married . They lived happily ever after.

State if the following statements are true (T) or false (F)
1.There was a prince living in a castle in germany (…)
2.The price treated the old woman badly (…)
3.A beautiful fairy changed the prince into a beast (…)
4.Belle was maurice's son (…)
5.Maurice came into the castle because it was reaning (…)
6.The beast did not care about maurice and released him (…)
7.Belle came to the castle because she wanted to meet the beast (…)
8.Belle stayed in the castle with the beast and her father went home (…)
9.Belle fell in love with the beast because he was not mean anymore (…)
10.The beast became human again because of Belle's love (…)

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semoga membantu :))