Tolong bantu ya kak no. 1-7 aja
If you want to learn Japanese, you must go to Japan.
If I were you, I would spend a month in Japan.
No, I couldn't afford it.
If I go to Japan, I will have to pay for my lessons and my accommodation.
Well, did you go if you would not have to pay for your accommodation? You see, I've got some Japanese friends in Osaka.
Bila dilihat dengan saksama, ini soal Conditional sentence type 1 dan 2.
1. If you want to learn Japanese, you must go to Japan.
2-3. If I were you, I would spend a month in Japan.
4-5. If I go to Japan, I will have to pay for my lesson and my accommodation.
6-7. Well, will you go if you don't have to pay for you accommodation?
Conditional clause adalah suatu kalimat majemuk yang terdiri dari consequence clause sebagai main clause (induk kalimat) dan conditional clause (kalimat pengandaian) sebagai anak kalimat.
Ada 3 macam conditional sentence:
1. 1st conditional
di mana if clause dan main clause belum terjadi atau mungkin akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
subject + will/can/must/may + infinitive + IF + simple present
I will go to the party tomorrow if she calls me tonight.
2. 2nd conditional
di mana if clause dan main clause bertentangan dengan kenyataan di masa sekarang.
subject + would/could/had to + infinitive + IF + simple past
I would come today if she called me now.
3. 3rd conditional
di mana if clause dan main clause bertentangan dengan kenyataan di masa lalu.
subject + would/could/might/might + perfect infinitive + IF + past perfect
I might have come to the party yesterday if she had called me the night before.
Pada soal-soal di atas, hanya no 2 yang menggunakan 2nd conditional karena si pembicara mengandaikan dirinya adalah temannya, padahal hal tersebut bukan kenyataan (sekarang).
Nomor yang lain menggunakan 1st conditional karena belum terjadi.
Learn more about conditional sentences:
Subject: English
Category: Structure and written Expressions
Sub-category: Condtional Sentence
Level: SHS XII
Code: 12.5.2
Keywords: conditional; 1st; 2nd