Tolong bantuin jawab soal ini y buat besuk plissss

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Tolong bantuin jawab soal ini y buat besuk plissss

Tolong bantuin jawab soal ini y buat besuk plissss

1. "Dad, I'm sorry I broke my door. I fell on the door when I tripped over the stool. Would you fix it for me, please?"

2. "Rina, our group has to describe the back yard of the school. We have to handwrite it on a piece of paper. Then, we have to put it on the wall magazine."

3. "Happy birthday, Dad. I'm sorry I was still fall asleep when you left for work this morning. Thanks for being the best father. I love you, Dad."

4. "Tom, it is our turn to cook the dinner for the family today. We have a lot of eggs, a cabbage, carrots, shallots, and tomatoes. What if we make fried rice and scrambled eggs?"

5. "Grandma, we will have a party to thank God for our new house on Sunday. Will you stay with us for the whole weekend?"

6. "Winda, I made a pudding last night. You should have some with your breakfast. It's in the fridge. I put a lot of fruit in it."

1. "Dad, I'm sorry I broke my door. I fell on the door when I tripped over the stool. Would you fix it for me, please?"
2. "Rina, our group has to describe the back yard of the school. We have to handwrite it on a piece of paper. Then we have to put it on the wall magazine."
3. "Dad, happy birthday! I'm sorry i was still fast asleep when you left for work this morning. Thanks for being the best father. I love you, Dad"
4. "Tom, its is our turn to cook the dinner for the family today. We have a lot of eggs, a cabbage, carrots, shallots, and tomatoes. What if we make friend rice and scrambled eggs?"
5. "Grandma, we will have a party to thank God for our new house on sunday. Will you stay with us for the whole weekend?"
6. "Winda, I made a pudding last night, you should have some with your breakfast. It's in the fridge, I put a lot of fruit in it.

minta maaf kalau ada yang kurang atau salah.. goodluck.