Tolong buat kalimat tanya masing-masing 2 kalimat…
No 1 SD 25
1. who is the president of Indonesia?
2. What is the colour of watermelon?
3. Where do fish live?
4. when will it rain?
5. Why do you like sleeping?
6. how will you go to market?
7. which is the best flowers?
8. what noun did you buy?
9. which noun will you buy?
10. whose noun do you bring?
11. what for you buy this book?
12. what time will you go to market?
13. what day did you go to beach?
14. what month were you born?
15. what year did you meet him?
16. what season is it in America?
17. what date will you go trip?
18. how many book will you buy?
19. how much sugar did you buy?
20. how long have you lived here?
21. how many time you sleep in a day?
22. how far the beach from the city?
23. how often you eat in a day?
24. how high the tower?
25. whom will you go to market with?
semoga membantu maaf klo salah