Tolong buat kan cerita sebanyak 3 paragraf, 1 paragraf berisi 4 kalimat.menggunakan 4 tense,yaitu simple present,present continous,future dan past tense

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cepat yaa:)butuh banget nih..

Tolong buat kan cerita sebanyak 3 paragraf, 1 paragraf berisi 4 kalimat.menggunakan 4 tense,yaitu simple present,present continous,future dan past tense

It was such a hot day yesterday. The temperature reached 32 degrees celcius. It was unsually hot where I live. It was also very weird, remembering that I live in a rainy place.

But today, fortunately the weather is back to rainty. I love the rain because it's cold when rain comes. And when the rain comes, I can cuddle in my blanket and watch movies all day. I also can take my dog inside my house.

Currently, I'm playing with my dog. His name is Oliver and he loves to play catch. But right now Oliver is tired, so he's resting on the foot of my bed. It is also raining today. I hope the weather will continue to be like this for the next few days.