Tolong buatkan dialog bahasa inggris tentang ini dong

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your neighbor made a big mistake. you got angry with him/her. come to her and show being offended. talk about the problem solve it. say sorry if it is necessary

Tolong buatkan dialog bahasa inggris tentang ini dong

You= Y , Your Neighbor= YN

Y: Hello, Ani! I asked your help to get the cake I ordered from the bakery. Can I have it now?
YN: Sure. Here you go.
Y: Excuse me, this is not the cake I ordered!
YN: How come? I did exactly what you said
Y: I clearly said in my message to get the red cake with blue cream, not this blue cake with red cream!
YN: Uh-oh. I'm so sorry. My mistake. I will go back to the bakery and take the right cake instead. You don't have to pay anything
Y: Okay, then. Apology accepted