Tolong buatkan percakapan 4 orang asking and giving opinion tentang lagu lagu yang merusak moral warga indonesia dan beserta pendapat masing masing dalam bahasa inggris

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Tolong buatkan percakapan 4 orang asking and giving opinion tentang lagu lagu yang merusak moral warga indonesia dan beserta pendapat masing masing dalam bahasa inggris

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

A: hey bro, listen this song!
B: yeah i like it a lot! where you know this song?
A: From internet
B: i want download it to!
A: yeah, come on download! we can sing it together!
B: o yeah i like it! let's rock it!
A: yeah rock it!
C: hey what are you doing?
A: we sing a new song?
C: what song?
B: you don't know? it's the hit lately!
C: i never heard this song
B: come on listen it!
C: let me listen
A is it cool?
C: no! it ain't cool at all!
B: what's wrong?
C: listen the meaning!
A; what's wrong with the meaning?
B: yeah it seem cool
C: no it's satanic song!
A: what! it's impossible!
C: let me call D and hear his opinion
D: was sup friend?
C: D, hear this song!
D: let me listen it
A: yeah, s it cool?
D: it ain't cool my friend, it's satanic song!
B: what! but it seem cool!
D: yeah it's seem cool but you must understand the meaning before you like it!
A: okay" i believe you!
D: next time understand the meaning first right!
A: yeah i will understand it first, thanks
D: ur welcome!

Good Luck! 😀

Risty : Wow this music is awesome guys! You should check it out?
Gerry : This is 'Bloody Rain'  by 'HARDRawk' isn't it?
Rina : Risty? This song is a hardcore metal song.. 
Risty : So what about it?!
Guntur : Well, i didn't expect you to like this kind of music. 
Risty : You should Listened to it first before you judge it!
Rina : Lend me your iPod ! I want to listen..
Gerry : that song is hellish. i don't want to listen to it again
Guntur : What? Let me try!

–son after they tried listening to the song–

Risty : So, what do you think about it? Awesome, right?
Rina : Oh.. No, risty. That song tell us to do evil things and such!
Gerry : That song is basically evil. The music, also! It would cause some serious injury to your ear!
Guntur : I actually liked the melody, a bit. But the lyrics, Oh God!
Risty : Oh come on! 
Rina : You should stop hearing to such song, Risty.
Gerry : Yeah, it's bad.
Guntur : Let me copy it later~ :3
Risty : Whatever alright, we have our opinions. 
Guntur : Yeah, that's true..

AAaa sori kalau pendek semoga membantu ;3