Tolong buatkan sebuah percakapan bahasa inggris dalam situasi bertemu orang baru dalam sebuah pesta.

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Tolong buatkan sebuah percakapan bahasa inggris dalam situasi bertemu orang baru dalam sebuah pesta.

Vinsensius : " Hi, everybody, I would like to invite you to a birthday party for me to three years, this is the call please to be taken"
Angelina: "So, where a party to your bellies?"
Vinsensius : "In the KFC, you will come to my party, right?"
Angelina : "Of course I will come"
Once in a birthday party for Vinsensius.
Vinsensius : "Welcome to my party, may enjoy a meal that has been in it".
AllFriendVinsensius : "Thank you, Vinsen"
Angelina: "Hello, what is your name?"
??? : "My name is ClariceDarmoko, i'am 12th years old, and you?"
Angelina: "My name is Angelina, i'am 13th years old, Let's have a meal together
Clarice: "Come on"