in 1969, the NASA launched apollo 11 to the moon. The crews of the mission were Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" aldrin and michael allen collins. The mission objective for apollo 11 was Simply to take humansto the moon and retrun safely. Both NASA and the crew recognized the mission's significance for all humans, and reflected this in several ways. Apollo 11's mission patch is the only mission patch in NASA history to have no individual names on it. A plaque mounted on one leg of the lunar module, the part of the apollo spacecraft that landed on the moon, bears a map of the earth, the signatures of president Richard Nixon and all three astronauts, and the inscription, "here men from the planet earth first set foot upon the moon july 1969 A.D. We came in peace for all mankind."
Apollo11 launched from cape canaveral, florida, on july 16, 1969, and arrived in orbit around the moon on july 20. On the 14th orbit of the moon, following eight hours of preparation for the landing, the lunar module eagle undocked from the command module Columbia and descended toward the mare tranquillitatis (sea of tranquilily). Armstrong began actively piloting the eagle when the craft was about 1500 m (about 5000 ft) above the moon and 6 km (4 mil) east of the landing target, maneuvering to avoid boulders in the landing zone. The eagle touched down on the moon's surface very gently about three hours after separating from the Columbia. Armstrong and aldrin prepared the eagle for immediate liftoff in case of emergency, ate a meal, skipped a planned rest period, and began getting ready to go out onto the lunar surface.
At 10:56 PM eastern daylight time neil armstrong became the first human being to set foot on the moon, pronouncing one of the most famous quotes of the 20th century: "that's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind". Aldrin emerged less than 15 minutes later.
Armstrong and aldrin worked on the lunar surface operation's within a radius of about 50 m (160 ft) of the lunar module for about 2 hours and 30 minutes. Their work included the collection of 22 kg(48 lbs) of rock samples and core tube samples and setting up a solar wind experiment, a seismometer to detect moonquakes, and a laser reflector. The laser reflector refleced pulses of laser light fired from the earth. This allowed scientists to make very accurate measurement of the distance between the earth and moon. Eagle lifted off to rejoin columbia after just 21 hours and 30 minutes on lunar surface.
The apollo 11 crew retruned to earth on july 24, spalshing down in the pacific ocean about 1.300 km (about 810 mil) southeast of hawaii. The crew spent a lengthy period in biological quaratine to ensure they had not brought any contaminants back to earth, and then spent many months in technical debriefings at NASA and public appearances around the world.
1. Who were the crew af apollo 11?
2. What was the mission objective?
3. What was written on a plaque?
4. When and where did the apollo 11 launch?
5. How long did the eagle take to land on the surface of the moon?
Pada tahun 1969, NASA meluncurkan apollo 11 ke bulan. Awak misi tersebut adalah Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" aldrin dan michael allen collins. Tujuan misi untuk apollo 11 adalah Cukup untuk membawa manusia ke bulan dan mundur lagi dengan selamat. Baik NASA maupun awak kapal menyadari pentingnya misi bagi semua manusia, dan mencerminkan hal ini dalam beberapa cara. Patch misi Apollo 11 adalah satu-satunya patch misi dalam sejarah NASA yang tidak memiliki nama individual di dalamnya. Sebuah plakat terpasang di satu kaki modul bulan, bagian dari pesawat ruang angkasa apollo yang mendarat di bulan, membawa peta bumi, tanda tangan presiden Richard Nixon dan ketiga astronot, dan prasasti tersebut, "di sini orang-orang dari planet bumi pertama menginjakkan kaki di atas bulan juli 1969 AD Kami datang dengan damai untuk seluruh umat manusia. "
Apollo11 diluncurkan dari cape canaveral, florida, pada tanggal 16 Juli 1969, dan tiba di orbit mengelilingi bulan pada tanggal 20 Juli. Pada orbit ke-14 bulan, setelah delapan jam persiapan untuk mendarat, modul rajawali lunar dilepaskan dari perintah modul Columbia dan turun ke arah kuda betina tranquillitatis (lautan yang tenang). Armstrong mulai secara aktif mengendarai elang saat pesawat itu berukuran sekitar 1500 m (sekitar 5000 kaki) di atas bulan dan 6 km (4 mil) di sebelah timur target pendaratan, bermanuver untuk menghindari batu-batu besar di zona pendaratan. Elang itu menyentuh permukaan bulan dengan sangat lembut sekitar tiga jam setelah memisahkan diri dari Columbia. Armstrong dan aldrin menyiapkan elang untuk segera lepas landas jika keadaan darurat, makan, melewatkan waktu istirahat yang direncanakan, dan mulai bersiap untuk pergi ke permukaan bulan.
Pada pukul 10:56 siang waktu matahari timur neil armstrong menjadi manusia pertama yang menginjakkan kaki di bulan, mengucapkan salah satu kutipan paling terkenal abad ke-20: "Itu adalah satu langkah kecil bagi seorang pria, satu lompatan raksasa bagi umat manusia". Aldrin muncul kurang dari 15 menit kemudian.
Armstrong dan aldrin mengerjakan operasi permukaan lunar dengan radius sekitar 50 m (160 kaki) dari modul bulan selama sekitar 2 jam dan 30 menit. Pekerjaan mereka mencakup pengumpulan 22 kg (48 lbs) sampel batuan dan sampel tabung inti dan menyiapkan percobaan angin matahari, seismometer untuk mendeteksi bulan, dan sebuah reflektor laser. Sinar laser reflektor yang dipantulkan sinar laser dipecat dari bumi. Hal ini memungkinkan para ilmuwan membuat pengukuran jarak antara bumi dan bulan dengan sangat akurat. Eagle diangkat untuk bergabung kembali dengan columbia setelah hanya 21 jam dan 30 menit di permukaan bulan.