Tolong di artikan ya MAKASIH :) Dear granny, I am now a junior high school student.I am in class VIIA, and my classroom is the most artistic at school, I think. I and my classmates always keep it clean. This room is light blue in color. It has two doors and six windows. Two big fans are on the ceiling. There are thirty desks and thirty chairs for the student. They are arranged in thee columns, so there are ten desks and chairs in each in each. The teacher’s desk and chair are just before the front row of the student’s desks. A flower vase is on the desk. We put a bunch of flowers everyday in this vase. We have a big whiteboar on the wall. My teacher writes anything on it, and we have the small one for our timetable. Some pictures of national heroes are on the walls, and we have other decorations on them, too. I like my class, Granny. I like my classmates, too. I can’t wait for you to visit me so that I can tell you more about my class. Love, Nina

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Tolong di artikan ya MAKASIH 🙂 Dear granny, I am now a junior high school student.I am in class VIIA, and my classroom is the most artistic at school, I think. I and my classmates always keep it clean. This room is light blue in color. It has two doors and six windows. Two big fans are on the ceiling. There are thirty desks and thirty chairs for the student. They are arranged in thee columns, so there are ten desks and chairs in each in each. The teacher’s desk and chair are just before the front row of the student’s desks. A flower vase is on the desk. We put a bunch of flowers everyday in this vase. We have a big whiteboar on the wall. My teacher writes anything on it, and we have the small one for our timetable. Some pictures of national heroes are on the walls, and we have other decorations on them, too. I like my class, Granny. I like my classmates, too. I can’t wait for you to visit me so that I can tell you more about my class. Love, Nina

Nenek sayang,

Aku sekarang sudah jadi murid SMP. Aku ada di kelas VII A, dan ruang kelasku adalah ruang kelas yang paling artistik di sekolah, menurutku. Aku dan teman-teman sekelas selalu menjaga kebersihan. Warna ruangan kelas adalah biru terang. Ruangan kelas memiliki dua pintu dan enam jendela. Dua kipas angin besar tergantung di langit-langit ruangan. Ada tiga puluh meja dan tiga puluh kursi untuk ditempati murid-murid. Mereka menyusunnya menjadi tiga baris, jadi ada sepuluh meja memanjang ke belakang untuk setiap murid. Meja guru ada tepat di depan meja murid. Ada vas bunga di atas meja guru. Kami meletakan buket bunga setiap hari di dalam vas. Kami mempunyai papan tulis putih yang besar di dinding. Guruku selalu menulis setiap hal di sana, dan kami pun mempunyai papan tulis putih dengan ukuran lebih kecil untuk jadwal pelajaran. Beberapa gambar pahlawan nasional juga digantung di dinding-dinding, dan kami juga memiliki dekorasi lain di dinding. Aku suka kelasku, Nek. Aku suka teman-teman sekelasku juga. Aku tidak sabar menunggumu mengunjungiku jadi aku bisa bercerita lebih banyak mengenai kelasku.

Penuh cinta, Nina