Tolong di bantu kaka plisss​

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Tolong di bantu kaka plisss​

Tolong di bantu kaka plisss​


1. disuruh melihat gambar dibawah

2. -What is the function of the gadget?

– What features are most often used in everyday life?

– Can the gadget be used to communicate? Explain the use?

3. disuruh menjawab pertanyaan teman

4 Today's gadgets are not only used as telephone and SMS communication media, but can also be used to do various things, namely for photos, video calls, and accessing the internet. ( Fungsi Handphone Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial)

5. 1. Vivo = touch screen, can communicate = merk, memory, battery, camera quality

2. Oppo = touchscreen, can communicate = merk, battery, capacity memory, camera quality

3. iphone = touch screen, can communicate = merk, feature, capacity memory and battery, camera quality

6. Gadgets are objects that are often used today, because almost everyone has them. with full features can connect someone, ignore the moment, to learn, and much more.

semoga membantu, sorry kalo salah