Tolong di bantu mau di setor sekarang

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My Vacation with My Beloved People

One day, my sister named Putri said to me that she really wanted to go to the beach. So I promised her that the next week we would go to Mutun beach in Lampung.

The next week, we prepared everything needed in the morning. We brought some foods and beverages, such as chocolate wafers, potato chips, water and orange juice. Before going to the beach, I ask our brother, Bayu, to join us. He agreed to join and we went there together with our parents. We went there by car. It took 3 hours to arrive there. Then, we bought tickets in the entrance gate. Before swimming, we changed our clothes first. We swam there for more than one hour. We felt so tired that we decided to eat the foods that we had brought. Next, three of us created a very big sand castle, while my parents were enjoying the beautiful scenery there. After that, we decided to go home because it was getting dark.

On the way home, we still felt hungry. So we stopped at a restaurant to have dinner. I ordered sruit, Lampungtraditional food, while my brother, my sister, and my parents ordered fried rice. After finished eating, we paid our bills. Then, we went home. We arrived at home at 9 o’clock. We were tired but we were absolutely happy


1. What is the purpose of the text ?

2. Mention the Generic Structure of the text !

3. What do you think the language feature used in the text (especially the verbs) ?

4. How many persons were involved in the text ? Mention them !

5. How is the ending of the event ?

Tolong di bantu mau di setor sekarang

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1) To retell the writer's past experience.

2) Orientation-Sequenced events-Re-Orientation.

3) There are five people. They are the writer, Putri, Bayu, the writer's parents.

4) It mostly uses the simple past tense and the action verbs.

5) The writer and his/her family enjoy the trip and feel happy even though they are tired.


1. What is the purpose of the text ?

[Apa tujuan teks itu?]

Jawaban : to retell the writer's past experience.

➡ Teks di atas termasuk jenis "recount text" jika ditilik dari konten pembahasannya dan strukturnya. Maka daripada itu, tujuan komunikatifnya untuk menceritakan kembali pengalaman si penulis di masa lampau

2. Mention the Generic Structure of the text !

[Sebutkan Struktur Generik teks!]

Jawaban : Orientation-Sequenced events-Re-Orientation.

Orientation berisi pengenalan latar baik orang yg terlibat, lokasi, dan waktu kejadian.

Sequenced events berisi rincian runtutan kejadiannya.

Re-Orientation berisi opini si penulis dan biasanya sebagai penutup ceritanya.

3. What do you think the language feature used in the text (especially the verbs) ?

[Menurutmu, apa kaidah kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks (terutama kata kerja)?]

Jawaban : It mostly uses the simple past tense and the action verbs.

➡ Sehubungan yang diceritakan merupakan kejadian lampau, hampir keseluruhan bentuk kata kerjanya menggunakan simple past tense dan kata kerja aksi.

4. How many persons were involved in the text ? Mention them !

[Berapa banyak orang yang terlibat dalam teks? Sebutkan mereka!]

Jawaban : There are five people. They are the writer, Putri, Bayu, the writer's parents.

➡ Ada 5 orang; si penulis, saudaranya perempuan, saudaranya laki-laki, kedua orang tua mereka.

5. How is the ending of the event ?

[Bagaimana akhir dari acara tersebut?]

Jawaban : The writer and his/her family enjoy the trip and feel happy even though they are tired.

➡ Bisa disimpulkan dari bagian Re-Orientation yang berisi opini si penulis bagaimana mereka menikmati perjalanannya dan merasa senang meskipun lelah.


Learn more about

Recount text



Grade : X

Subject : English

Category : Reading comprehension

Code : 10.5.8

Keywords : Vacation with My Beloved People