Tolong di bantu tugas bahasa inggris

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Soal pada gambar ke 4 exercise

Tolong di bantu tugas bahasa inggris

Tolong di bantu tugas bahasa inggris

Tolong di bantu tugas bahasa inggris

Tolong di bantu tugas bahasa inggris

Tolong di bantu tugas bahasa inggris

Conditional Sentence Exercises (Gambar ke 4)

1. I (would have gone) if I had known. (CS type 3)

2. If my car had not broken, I should have caught the train. (CS type 3)

3. If she were older, she (would have) more sense. (CS type 2)

4. If you (read [v2]) that book carefully, you would understand it. (CS type 2)

5. If the children (are) good, they can stay up late. (CS type 1)

6. I (would buy) that hat if it were not so clear. (CS type 2)

7. You (will kill) yourself if you always work as hard as that. (CS type 1)

8. If they had waited, they (would have found) me. (CS type 3)

9. We (would have enjoyed) the play better if it had not been so long. (CS type 3)

10. I should have come yesterday if I (had had) nothing to do. (CS type 3)


(1) Pada kalimat #10, terdapat dua "had" ("…if I had had nothing to do."). "had" yang pertama merupakan "had" yang ditambahkan dalam pengandaian (CS type 3), sedangkan "had" yang kedua merupakan kata kerja/verb yang sebenarnya. (2) Kalimat #2 kurang masuk akal apabila dikatakan dalam dunia nyata.

Mohon koreksi apabila ada kekeliruan. Semoga membantu 😀