Tolong di bantu ya jangan ngasl

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Tolong di bantu ya jangan ngasl

Tolong di bantu ya jangan ngasl


1. It's Really A Good Movie. You Should Go And See It. (A. Advice).

2. You Should Go To The Dentist And Have Your Bad Tooth Extracted. (A. Advice).

3. I Think Tom Should Accept The Job Immediately. (O. Opinion).

4. She Shouldn't Watch TV So Much. It Can Ruin Her Sight. (A. Advice).

5. You Should Learn Greek Before You Go To Greece. (A. Advice).

6. Bicyle Riders Should Use Lights At Night. (A. Advice).

7. It's Very Late. I Don't Think You Should Phone Them Now. (O. Opinion).

8. She Is Not Allowed To Drink Ice. You Should Give Her Warm Tea. (A. Advice).

9. They Wrote The Word With One "s". There Should Be Another "s". (C. Correction).

10. When You Play Tennis, You Should Watch The Ball Carefully. (A. Advice).


Semoga Membantu. Maaf Kalau Ada Yang Salah Jawabannya.