Tolong di bantu yaa makasii​

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Tolong di bantu yaa makasii​

Tolong di bantu yaa makasii​

aku buat journey tentang aku liburan ke singapura yaa. Maaf banget kalo aku gabisa ngebantu sepenuhnya

answer :

Singapore vacation

When I was 5 years old, my family take a vacation with me to singapore. We fly 2 times to Jakarta and Batam. Once we arrived in Batam, we crossed the ocean using a boat to go to Singapore. I almost got seasick but my father gave me medicine before we went to Singapore. And God bless us, we arrived in Singapore safely.

There's a lion statue named Merlion, Merlion is really popular statue on Singapore. We take many pictures for memories. Singapore is a really clean country. The view of the city of singapore is very beautiful. And next day we came to Sanrio Hello Kitty Town, the inside is like a museum full with Hello Kitty. I was a Hello Kitty biggest fan.

And then the very sad moment that I had to leave Singapore. I really love it there and I wish I could go to Singapore again and other countries that I've never been before.

Itu journey dari aku yaa, maaf kalo ada grammar yang kurang jelas karena aku juga masih belajar.

Tetap semangat & study hard!! Fighting!!