Tolong di bantu yahh..

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Contoh teksnya dlam b.inggris :
Allah sent prophets and messengers to show us the
right path. God, the Kind and Loving Creator, also
sent books for guidance. He sent them to His
messengers. These books are called the Books of
Allah. Allah sent the books through the angel Gabriel. Books
of guidance sent by Allah are also called books of revelation.
Revelation is "wahyu" in Arabic. There are four books of
Allah mentioned in the Qur'an. They are the Tawrah, Zabur
(Psalms), Injil (Gospel) and the Qur'an Tawrah was sent to
the prophet Moses, the Psalms was sent to the prophet David
and the Gospel to the prophet Jesus. The last book of Allah
and the most comprehensive was sent down to the, last
prophet, Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), its name is the Qur'an. We
know the names of the books of the books of Allah from the
Qur'an. There was also the "sahifa" or scroll, a kind of book
which was given to the prophet Abraham. The scroll of
Abraham cannot be found now.
The original books or parts of the books given to the
prophets before Muhammad were either lost or changed. The
people took away the originals of the books and added their
own words to Allah's words. This is why we do not have
these books as they were revealed. The Qur'an. is the last and
the most complete book of guidance from Allah. It is not only
for a certain group of people and a certain period of time, but
it is for all people, all races and nations and for all times. It is with us today, without any change, with nothing added or
taken away. It is the last book of guidance for mankind.

Pertanyaan :
1. What is the purpose of Allah to send the prophets
and the messenger?
2. What did God send to us beside the prophets and
the messenger?
3. To whom did the books send?
4. What is the other name of the books that were sent by
5. What is the last book that was sent by Allah?
6. What did happen to the original books or parts of the
books given to the prophets before Muhammad?
7. What is the book that was given to the prophet
Abraham that cannot be found now?
8. Is Quran in incomplete?
9. The Quran is different from other previous books.
What are the differences?
10. Are the any changes on Quran today?

Tolong di bantu secepatnya yah 😀 soalnya nya hari ini mau di kumpul :))

Tolong di bantu yahh..



1. Apa tujuan Allah mengutus para nabi dan pembawa pesannya?

Allah sent prophets and messengers to show us the right path

2. Apa yang Tuhan kirimkan kepada kita selain para nabi dan pembawa pesan?

Books for guidance

3. Kepada siapa buku tersebut dikirim?

Prophet Moses, prophet David, prophet Gospel and prophet Muhammad

4. Apa nama lain dari buku-buku yang dikirimkan oleh Allah?

Books of revelation

5. Apakah kitab terakhir yang dikirim oleh Allah?


6. Apa yang terjadi dengan buku asli atau bagian dari buku yang diberikan kepada para nabi sebelum Muhammad?

Lost or changed

7. Buku apa yang diberikan kepada nabi Abraham yang tidak dapat ditemukan sekarang?

"Sahifa" or scroll

8. Apakah Quran tidak lengkap?

No, because the most complete book of guidance from Allah.

9. Alquran berbeda dari buku-buku sebelumnya. Apa perbedaannya?

The Qur'an. is the last and the most complete book of guidance from Allah. It is not only for a certain group of people and a certain period of time but

it is for all people, all races and nations and for all times

10. Apakah ada perubahan pada Quran hari ini?

No, because without any change, with nothing added or taken away