Tolong di jawab bsk di kumpul
1. Mahpul : Good afternoon
Bambang : Good afternoon
Mahpul : How are you?Bambang : I'm fine, thanks its nice to meet you
Mahpul : Nice to meet you too
2. What do you say to great someone at 08.00 a.m (Good morning)
What do you say to great someone at 01.00 p.m (Good afternoon)
What do you say to great someone at 07.00 a.m (Good evening)
3. I'm sorry
4. Responding apologize
5. Johny : hi udin, how do you do
6. I am Sabil
7. Hi Rendra, Nice to meet you
8. Malika : Good afternoon Unuy, where are you from
Unuy : Good afternoon Malika, I'm from Natar.