Tolong di terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris ya pliss

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1.anak sedang mengumpat dibawah meja
2.ada wortel di atas kursi
3.ada apel di dalam kardus
4.singan melewati lingkaran
5.mereka sedang bersama
6.disamping kucing ada anjing
7.disekitar globe ada pesawat yg terbang
8.dibawah laut ada dua ekor hiu
9.dibelakang tumpukan buku itu ada seorang anak
10.ada orang sedang duduk di atas globe yg besar
11.kucing itu dekat dengan kelinci
12.dari pada makan makanan ringan lebih baik makan sayur
13.didepan pohon itu ada se ekor kelinci
14.diatas bulan dan bintang ada sapi
15.diatas kertas ada sebuah pulpen

Tolong di terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris ya pliss

1. children are swearing under table
2. There are carrots on top of chairs
3. There are apples in boxes
4. Lions past the circle
5. they were together
6. Besides cats dogs
7. around the globe there are aircraft that fly
8. under the sea there are two male sharks
9. behind a pile of books and there was a kid
10. There are people sitting on top of the globe the big yg
11. cat is near the rabbit.
12. meal than a snack better eating vegetable.
13. in front of the tree there is a rabbit
14. above the Moon and the stars there is cow
15. above the paper there is a ballpoint pen

1.children is hiding under the table
2.theres a carrot on the chair
3.theres an apple  inside the box
4.lion through hoops
5.they were together
6.besides the cat theres dog
7.near the globe theres a flying plane
8.under the sea theres two sharks