Tolong dibantu active dan passive voicenya dong :(

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Tolong dibantu active dan passive voicenya dong :(

Tolong dibantu active dan passive voicenya dong 🙁

1. The case is being reviewed by the judge
2. The music is played by the DJ
3. The sun was hid by the cloud
4. The criminal was arrested by the police
5. The objections have been raised by the prosecution
6. Evidences are submitted by the lawyers
7. The diamond has been robbed
8. Some of the Robbers are caught
9. A cold beer is not drunk in England
10. The books are being sent to the wrong address
11. The goverment are planning a new road near my house
12. My grand-grandfather built the house in 1890
13. He had written 3 books before 1883
14. I'm cleaning all the windows after the storm
15. The bigwolf has attacked the Prince