Tolong dibantu kak

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1. I used to enjoy … the mountain

a. climbed
b. to climbed
c. climbed
d. climbing
e. the climb of
Opsi 1
2. As a child he used to like … a kite

a. played
b. to play
c. he played
d. playing
e. plays
3.What does this song remind you of? … with my first Date

a. I dance
b.To dance
c. .Dancing
d. To be dancing
e. Dance
4. We are looking forward to … our reports next week

A. received
B. receive
C. receiving
D. have received
E. has received
5. … a few thousand dollars, he went on a tour to Europe

a. Saved
b. Have saved
c. He has saved
d. Having saved
e. After he saves
6. This book really tells you how to learn some computer programs without really … too much time

a. you spend
b. spending
c. have to spend
d. you have to spend
e. must spend
7. His parents must be angry with him because they don’t like his …

a. coming late
b. comes late
C. to come late
d. came late
e. should came late
8. This car needs … it is broken

a. to fix
b. fixed
c. fixing
d. is fixed
e. could fix
9. Miss. Rina complained about … about the meeting

a. not being told
b. not telling
c. not to tell
d. she tells
e. doesn’t tell
10. He was working in the garden, so he didn’t hear the phone …

a. ringing
b. to ring
c. rang
d. has rung
e. was to ring​

Tolong dibantu kak


1. d

2. d

3. (soalnya ga jelas)

4. c

5. e

6. b

7. b (bingung sama "his" nya, grammarnya salah)

8. a

9. a

10. a