Tolong dibantu ya kak

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Tolong dibantu ya kak

Tolong dibantu ya kak







Maka akan seperti ini:

1.Mom fed her, the baby was crying

2.The streets flooded, There was a huge storm

3.She fell asleep in class

4.The cat escaped, The door was left open

5.Fruit grew, I planted some trees


1. c. mom fed her

2.e. the streets flooded

3.d. she felt asleep in class

4.a. the cat escaped

5.b. fruits grew


1. the baby was crying (bayi menangis) — mom fed her (ibu memberinya makan)

klmt gabungannya = the baby was crying so mom fed her.

arti : (bayi itu menangis sehingga ibu memberinya makan)

2.there was a huge storm (ada badai besar)— the streets flooded (jalan-jalan banjir)

klmt gabungannya = there was a huge storm and the streets flooded.

arti : (ada badai besar dan jalan-jalan banjir)

3.Lina stayed up too late (Lina terlalu terlambat)—she felt asleep in class (dia tertidur di kelas)

Klmt gabungannya = Lina stayed up too late and she felt asleep in class.

arti 🙁Lina terlalu terlambat dan dia tertidur di kelas)

4.the door was left open (pintu dibiarkan terbuka) —the cat escaped (kucing lolos/melarikan diri)

klmt gabungannya = the cat escaped because the door was left open.

arti 🙁kucing lolos karena pintu dibiarkan terbuka)

5.I planted some trees (saya menanam beberapa pohon) — fruits grew (buah-buahan tumbuh)

klmt gabungannya = I planted some trees so fruits grew.

arti 🙁Aku menanam beberapa pohon sehingga buah-buahan pun tumbuh)

_smg mMbntu-