Tolong dijawab dong pertanyaannya
Surat pribadi (personal letter) adalah surat informal yang ditulis oleh seseorang untuk orang lain dengan tujuan berkomunikasi atau memberitahukan suatu informasi.
Struktur surat pribadi:
– date, tanggal ditulisnya surat tersebut
– Address, alamat pengirim surat (opsional)
– Salutation & name, salam dan nama penerima surat
– Introduction, pembukaan
– Body, isi surat, berisi hal-hal yang ingin disampaikan kepada penerima surat
– Closure, penutup
– Complimentary close, salam penutup
– SIgnature, tanda tangan serta nama pengirim
Giving advice adlaah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberi nasihat atau saran. Berikut beberapa contoh expresi yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk expressing advice
– You should …
– You ought to …
– It's better for you to …
– I suggest you …
– I advise you to …
– Why don't we/you … ?
– How about …?
Berikut contoh surat pribadi yang berisi giving advice didalamnya
Jakarta, 18th October 2015
Dear Mawar,
I have read your letter about your problem in study. I think you should start to study harder. You have to know that there is not dumb people in this world because every human has a brain. We have the same brain, so if someone can do it why you can't do it, too?
I believe you can change yourself, where there's a will there's a way! it's never too late to change. If you don't know where you should start, i suggest you to join the group study that your friends invite you to join. They are your friends and they care about you. I believe they will not mock you, however they will help you.
Don't say you can't do it. If you always say you can't do it before trying, you won't be able to do it forever. I believe you can do it. Remember, your parents pay your school fee because they want you to be a successful person. the school fee is not cheap. so, make them proud of you!
I think that's all for now. I can't wait to hear about your study progress.
Mudah-mudahan jawaban diatas dapat membantu menjawab pertanyaanmu. Sebagai tambahan, kamu dapat mengunjungi link-link berikut untuk melihat contoh personal letter yang lain
Detil tambahan:
Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: bahasa inggris
kategori: personal letter