Tolong dijawab secepatnya ya teman-teman , terima kasih

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Tolong dijawab secepatnya ya teman-teman , terima kasih

Tolong dijawab secepatnya ya teman-teman , terima kasih

Tolong dijawab secepatnya ya teman-teman , terima kasih

1. Rina asked me why had she come late.
2. Father asked Tono how many chickens that he bred.
3. The teacher asked the students if they had finished their works.
4. The manager asked the secretary if she would type that letter soon.
5. The plumber asked Mr. Amin which roof he should plumb.
6. Anton asked Indra if he(Indra) saw his sister.
7. Mother asked Wati if she was boiling water.
8. Professor asked students if they had done their research well.
9. The merchant asked the seller how much all those goods were.
10. Wawan asked Indiana how long she had stayed in that hotel.

1. to sit down
2. if I smoked
3. I had used to smoke
4. I had stopped smoking the previous year
5. where I had worked before
6. I had spent five years with an architect
7. if I could take shorthand
8. of course I could
9. that he would give me the job on a month's probation
10. when I should start work
11. I could start work as soon as I wished
12. that I would be there on Monday morning

Maaf kalau salah ya.. hehe