Tolong dijawab sekarang dengan benar & tepat! NO NGASAL​!​

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Tolong dijawab sekarang dengan benar & tepat! NO NGASAL​!​

Tolong dijawab sekarang dengan benar & tepat! NO NGASAL​!​

Hai BrainlyLovers 🙂

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Bentuk Irregular Verbs =

1.Infinitive = begin.

Past = began.

Participle = begun.

Meaning = mulai.

2.Infinitive = buy.

Past and Participle = bought.

Meaning = membeli.

3.Infinitive = choose.

Past = chose.

Participle= chosen.

Meaning = memilih.

4.Infinitive = come.

Past = came.

Participle= come.

Meaning = datang, mendekat.

5.Infinitive = go.

Past = went.

Participle= gone.

Meaning = pergi.

6.Infinitive = sell.

Past and Participle = sold.

Meaning = menjual.

7.Infinitive = take.

Past = took.

Participle= taken.

Meaning = mengambil.

8.Infinitive = run.

Past = ran.

Participle= run.

Meaning = berlari.

9.Infinitive = see.

Past = Saw.

Participle= seen.

Meaning = melihat.

10.Infinitive = sleep.

Past and Participle = slept.

Meaning = tidur.

Maaf ya kalau salah..

Semoga benar dan bermanfaat..
