Tolong dijawab ya !!!​

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Tolong dijawab ya !!!​

Tolong dijawab ya !!!​


1. Jean's arm was broken by her during a volleyball game.

2. Ruth's blouse was washed and ironed.

3. He found the money under the chair.

4. The Rolling Stones is loved by Eleanor.

5. The accident was not done by the officer.

6. The first-place tennis trophy was won by John.

7. The cake was baked and frosted by Nancy.

8. ?

9. Tennis was played by Joan all morning

10. She returned my books before class.

11. She was arrested by then last week.

12. A letter was written by Peter.

13. 10 friends were invited to the party by them.

14. A new house has been built by them.

15. The tieves were caught by the police yesterday.