Tolong dijawab ya soalnya besok dikumpul

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Tolong dijawab ya soalnya besok dikumpul

Tolong dijawab ya soalnya besok dikumpul

1) I have an old bycicle
She has three books
He has lots of money
The old man gave me his chocolate
Handsome boys called my name

2) Henry: Woah. Is that Red Velvet cake?
Sitta: Yeah, I bought it from canteen.
Henry: May I have some?
Sitta: Sure!

3) Farhan: Hey, do you saw that news? It said that a plane fell.
Alex: What? I haven't. Please tell me more about the fact!
Farhan: Well, I don't know much so you can just read them, OK? Sorry.
Alex: OK.

4) Those orchid flowers are purple-white colored. They grown a group of flowers in one bench. It haa around five petals every flower.

5) The puppy is small and tiny. It has black, brown and white colored fur. The tail has only two colors.

Semoga membantu!