Tolong dong apa jawabannya?

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Tolong dong apa jawabannya?

Tolong dong apa jawabannya?

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Answer the following questions:

1. Find out the expressions of intention in the dialog!

Answer: Untuk penjelasan mengenai expression of intention silakan lihat penjelasan dibawah ini (dalam pembahasan). Expression of intention dalam dialog tersebut adalah : I'm going to swim along the Sanur Beach.

2. Is it formal or informal situation? Give evidence from the dialog!

Answer: It's informal situation. We can see from line 6 when Rita said Hey, we are staying in the same floor. The word "Hey" represent the informal situation.

3. Read the announcement, then answering the following questions!

   A. What is the announcement about?

Answer: The announcement is about the Monday's flag-raising ceremony.

   B. is it written or spoken announcement?

Answer: It's a spoken announcement.

4. Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good announcement

f. Attention please!

g.Good morning

c. There will be a ceremony to commemorate heroes' Day on the 10th November.

d. Students should wear white and gray uniforms, complete with caps and neckties.

a. Students should also wear black shoes and white socks.

e. Students are requested to come half an hour earlier, at half past six.

b. Thank you.

5. What type of text is used by the writer?

Answer: It is a descriptive text.

6. The communicative purpose of the text is to describe the Lembah Pelangi Waterfall.

7. The most grammatical features found in the text are language of noun, contohnya kata : area, tourist spot, tourist spot, height, waterfall, branches, rainbow, valley, water, place.

8. Why is the access to Lembah Pelangi quite difficult?

Answer: The access to Lembah Pelangi is quite difficult because Ulu Belu sub district is in a remote area in Lampung and has a hilly contours.

9. If you were a tour guide at Banyuasin, make a plan about the spot destination where you want tourists to visit

Here is an example of plan as a tour guide

1. In Banyuasin area there is Sembilang Natural Park. It takes four hours from Palembang. We are going to get around the park by taking on a speed boat or canoe. In Sembilang Natural Park, there are many water birds and various types of invertebrates such as worms, mollusks, and crustaceans.

2. Front Langkan Monument

3. Sungsang Kampung Nelayan

4. Villages around Banyuasin (Musi river)


Intention expression adalah ekspresi untuk menyatakan suatu rencana atau sesuatu yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang.

Beberapa phrase yang sering digunakan dalam intention expression :

  • I would like to
  • I will
  • I am going to
  • I would rather than

Ada dua cara untuk menyampaikan intention expression

1. Menggunakan will/would

Subject + will/would + V1 + Object/Complement

contoh :

  • I will go to the water park today
  • I will cook for dinner tonight
  • I would rather stay at home than go shopping

2. Menggunakan +be going to untuk menyampaikan sesuatu yang sudah direncanakan.

Subject+be going to+V1+ Object/Complement

contoh :

  • She is going to Japan next month.
  • My daughter is going to join robotic class.
  • She is going to Canada to visit her family.

Setelah kita memahami mengenai intention expression kita akan belajar mengenai bagaimana merespon eskpresi tersebut .

Contoh phrase yang sering digunakan untuk merespon :

  • That's sound great!
  • That's a good idea!
  • Good luck for your plan!

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Detil tambahan

Kelas: 12

Mapel: bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Reading comprehension

Kode: 12.5.7

Kata kunci: reading comprehension, expression intention