Tolong dong di ubah menjadi passive voice

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1.they still deny women to vote in some countries
2.the teacher told the new student where to sit
3.alex is preparing that report
4.shakespeare wrote that play father was reading a newspaper
6.I repaired a mobile phone in plaza
7.she was planting a flower in the garder

Tolong dong di ubah menjadi passive voice

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1.they still deny women to vote in some countries
⇒ women are still denied by them to vote in some countries.

2.the teacher told the new student where to sit
⇒ the new student was told by the teacher where to sit.

3.alex is preparing that report
⇒ that report is being prepared by alex

4.shakespeare wrote that play
⇒ that play was written by shakespeare. father was reading a newspaper
⇒ a newspaper was being read by my father

6.I repaired a mobile phone in plaza
⇒ a mobile phone was repaired by me in plaza

7.she was planting a flower in the garder
⇒ a flower was being planted by her in the garden