Tolong dong dialog tentang liburan 2 orang pake bahasa inggris

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Tolong dong dialog tentang liburan 2 orang pake bahasa inggris

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Alex: Do you really want to go to Karimun Jawa? (Apakah kamu benar-benar mau pergi ke Karimun Jawa?)
Umi : Yeah! (Yeah!)
Alex : Why don't you visit Bali? You wanna go there, don't you? (Kenapa kamu tidak pergi ke Bali? Kamu mau pergi kesana bukan?)
Umi : Yes I really want to go there… But I got free holiday to Karimun Jawa. So, I won’t wasting this chance. (Iya, aku mau pergi kesana, tapi aku dapat liburan gratis ke Karimun Jawa. Jadi, aku tidak mau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan ini.
Alex : Wow it’s great! How did you get that? (Wow, bagus! Bagaimana kamu mendapatkannya?)
Umi: Oh, I won the quiz from travel magazine and the price are holiday to Karimun Jawa. (Oh, aku menang kuis dari majalah travel dan hadiahnya adalah berlibur ke Karimun Jawa)
Alex : Envy with you! Have a fun for your holiday! (Iri padamu! Selamat bersenang-senang untuk liburan kamu!)
Umi : Thank you. So, how about your holiday? Where you going? (Terima kasih. Lalu, bagaimana liburan kamu? Kamu mau kemana?)
Alex: Maybe, Bali. (Mungkin Bali)
Umi: Awesome! Why you choose Bali as your destination? (Bagus! Kenapa kamu pilih Bali sebagai tujuan kamu?)
Alex: Because I’ve missed Bali. And now, Bali has new beach, I heard. (Karena aku rindu Bali. Dan sekarang, Bali memliki pantai baru, saya dengar)
Umi: Wow, great, Yes, Bali is a wonderful city, What’s the new beach you got? (Wow, bagus. Ya, Bali adalah kota yang indah. Apa pantai baru yang kamu dapatkan?)
Alex: The named is Pandawa’s Beach. In there, Pandawa’s beach is beautiful and many tourists visit that place. I just love Bali. It’s like a land to escape from your daily routine activities in Jakarta. (Namanya Pantai Pandawa. Pantai Pandawa indah dan banyak turis pergi ke tempat itu. Aku cinta Bali. Itu seperti tempat untuk melarikan diri dari kegiatan sehari-hari di Jakarta)
Umi : You always talk about Bali, I think Bali is your favorite place. (Kamu selalu berbicara tentang Bali, Aku pikir Bali adalah tempat favorit kamu)
Alex : Yes. It’s right! (Ya, betul)
Umi : Okay enjoy your holiday, Alex! (Oke, selamat menikmati liburan kamu, Alex!)
Alex : You too! (Kamu juga!)

Susan : hi, ambar,what are you doing?
ambar : i am making a plan for the next month holiday
susan : what? you make a plan the holiday. so, you always haveactivities on holiday?
ambar: of course. my family always makes a plan for our holidays
susan : really?that is very enjoyable. by the way, what did you do on the last holiday?
ambar:we went to a very beautiful island. it'slocated in the northernpart of our country. there we saw a very wonderful view. how about you? what do you usually on holiday?
susan:i don't do anything. every holiday, i usually go to my grandmother in the village. that's all i do because my parents are very busy
ambar : why are they busy?
susan: they never have time for me. they are always busy doing their jobs
ambar: hoow if you come with my family to spend your holiday?
susan: i am afraid, my parents will not allow me. they must send me to my grandmother's house
ambar: i think, they do that because they love you and they will beyour grandmother who will take care of you
susan: may be like that. let's go to canteen. i'am very starving
ambar:let's go i'am also starving