Tolong dong. gw masih kurang ngerti

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Tolong dong. gw masih kurang ngerti

Tolong dong. gw masih kurang ngerti

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Hi, I am Rita Kendari. I am from West Sulawesi. I've finished school last year and I haven't got a job yet. So I'm trying to improve my skills in the meantime. I attend in a language school here since then. I think I'm making quite a lot of progress. Apart from studying English,my other main interests is sport,especially swimming and volleyball. I won several trophies for swimming and our team won National Volleyball Championship last year.

1) a. left
2) e. have not been finding
3) a. study
4) c. have made
5) e. i have won
6) b. won

Semoga bermanfaat^^