Tolong donk.jan ngasal ya..​

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Tolong donk.jan ngasal ya..​

Tolong donk.jan ngasal ya..​


14. A. To describe Mandrills in general

15. B. Reclusive primates

16. D. Mandrills are decreasing in numbers because of beating hunted

Reasons atau Penjelasan:

14. A! Why?

The whole sentence tells us mostly about the animals like their habitat, their name, what they eat, unique features and etc.

15. Noun is a word that is use to identify a class of a certain animal, human, or any species.

16. Let’s look which one is wrong or right one by one:

A. Mandrills are individual mammals. Wrong! Why?

It’s wrong because according to the 4th paragraph, they live in troops.

B. Adult Mandrills have only blue face colors. Wrong! Why?

Because these primates also have red color on their faces according to the 2nd paragraph.

C. Mandrills live in almost every rainforest in the world. Wrong! Why?

Because according to the 1st paragraph, they only live in the rainforest of equatorial Africa.

D. Mandrills are decreasing are decreasing in numbers because of being hunted. True! Why?

Because according to the last paragraph, they are hunted for bush meats and many Africans consider it a delicacy.

So… the correct answer to number 16 is D!

Semoga membantu, mohon maaf bila salah 🙂

~ Syauqia