Tolong isiin klimat yg ksng di bwh ini Adi:hello,good morning chika Chika:hello adi,…….. Adi:now,you look……today Chika;yeah.I have…… Adi:oh,I see that is cute chika Chika:thank you Adi:ok…….chika Sista:mom…… Mom:hello sista,good evening Sista:mom……. Mom:ok,let go to your bedroom and I will prepare you cream soop and the medi cine Sista:…… Mom:…..sweet heart

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Tolong isiin klimat yg ksng di bwh ini Adi:hello,good morning chika Chika:hello adi,…….. Adi:now,you look……today Chika;yeah.I have…… Adi:oh,I see that is cute chika Chika:thank you Adi:ok…….chika Sista:mom…… Mom:hello sista,good evening Sista:mom……. Mom:ok,let go to your bedroom and I will prepare you cream soop and the medi cine Sista:…… Mom:…..sweet heart

Aku tulis dari awal sekalian aja yaa…..
adi : hello, good morning chika
chika : hello adi , good morning
adi : now , you look so happy today chika
chika : yeah, i have a new headcraft
adi : oh i see that is so cute cikha
chika : thank you
adi : ok your welcome chika
sista : mom , good evening
mom : hello sista , good evening
sista : mom , i'm sleppy and tired. will you prepare my cream soap and the medicine ?
mom : ok , let's go to your bedroom and i will prepare your cream soap and the medicine
sista : thanks mom
mom : your welcome sweetheart
maaf klo seumpama ada yg salah , maklum manusia